The Cabin in the Woods 2012
By necessity this may be the shortest review I ever do.
Cabin in the Woods is one of those rare movies with plot twists that aren't entirely ruined by trailers. The twists, turns, and surprises are so interesting, unique and fun that I fear just by claiming that it has twists I could splat a big steaming pile of spoiler on it. So I will rant and rave about a paragraph or so and then conclude this before I ruin it.

This wonderful horror/slasher/comedy written by the fan favorite
Joss Whedon, with the director
Drew Goddard, is clever and funny while still delivering a few thrills. The plot does a few clever pirouettes without falling in the cliche traps of a
M. Knight Shyamalan flick. The acting is good with the ham and cheese delivered with comic timing better than the best rom-com. The horror and kills didn't track down the trail of gore porn such as the
Saw movies, which for this viewer is a good thing. Overall this movie delivered on its promise of a fun horror comedy with a twist and went far beyond my expectations. I would highly recommend this movie to horror fans and those looking for a comic take on the genre. If horror and/or comedy are your cup of tea, go see this flick before some jerk wad at the water cooler spoils it... Really go see it before I spoil it...
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